L’Europe sous le signe d’un optimisme prudent
Par Martyn HOLE, directeur d’investissement en actions chez Capital Group
Le paysage européen semble de plus en plus favorable, mais il faut prendre garde à certains... Lire la suite
SPACs, despite the high-risk, proves itself another popular and growing investment strategy
In the midst of an environment driven by low yield and excess of cash available, SPAC’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) market continues to grow, raising approximately US$5 billion to US$6 billion... Lire la suite
LPEA Insight 2021: Navigating disruption
Technology disruption has been at the heart of the LPEA Insights conference, which aimed to shine a light on the ground-breaking potential of digitalisation. The conference took place on the 28th... Lire la suite
ESG funds: An investment that performs well and makes sense?
In the best of both worlds, companies are profitable, generate profit but also take into account the considerations of its... Lire la suite
EU brings historic € 12 bn green bond to LuxSE
In the presence of EU Commissioner in charge of Budget and Administration Johannes Hahn and Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel, the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) marked the listing of... Lire la suite
The climate emergency needs decarbonisation solutions
By Velislava DIMITROVA, Cornelia FURSE and Kris ATKINSON, Fidelity
With COP26 underway, expectations are high. The chasm between achieving net zero carbon emissions by... Lire la suite
North bound: a trusted partner for Scandinavian clients
By Claus JØRGENSEN, CEO of VP Bank (Luxembourg) SA
Serving customers for decades
Since 1988, VP Bank has stood for tailor-made cross... Lire la suite
Le bio-mimétisme au service de la transition énergétique
Par Clarisse LEDUC – Deputy Head of Asset Management - Société Générale Private Wealth Management
Alors que la COP26 de Glasgow vient de s’achever et que le GIEC... Lire la suite
Equity bridge financing and side letters, the hidden enemies
By Catherine MARTOUGIN, Partner, Baker McKenzie
The recourse to equity bridge financing at the fund level has a long tradition that is currently developing even more in... Lire la suite
High quality issuers and attractive yield: The case for preferred and capital securities
By Joe URCIUOLI, Executive Director, Head of Research – Spectrum Asset Management*
The pandemic has significantly impacted global society. While Covid-19 has had a... Lire la suite
Real Estate, the AML New Target
By Olivier RIEHL, Partner at PARTNRS*
Real estate has always attracted investors. The Luxembourg real estate industry is one of the most demanded in Europe. Despite the... Lire la suite
Reporting ISR pour les portefeuilles d’investissement : Trois bonnes raisons pour s’y mettre
Par Daniel CAPOCCI, CEO et Nicoletta MORSUT, Conducting Officer – FARAD Investment Management*
Le Règlement «Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation» (SFDR) est entré... Lire la suite
« Fundsquare est une des ‘Golden Source’ de la donnée financière » (Rencontre avec Jean-Pierre LEGRAND, Head of Product and Project Management chez Fundsquare)
En ouvrant en ce début octobre ses APIs à l’ensemble des acteurs de l’industrie financière, Fundsquare entend fournir une information authentique et garantie d’origine, à travers un canal de... Lire la suite
La déferlante coréenne n’a pas besoin de la Chine
Par Alice WANG – Gérante du fonds Quaero Capital Funds (Lux) – Bamboo
En 2006, la société de production coréenne CJ EM s’est fixé comme objectif que «le monde... Lire la suite
Important Clarifications for Fund Managers: The Taxonomy RTS on Taxonomy-related Disclosures
By Dr. Sebastiaan Niels HOOGHIEMSTRA*
On 22 October 2021, the European Supervisory Authorities (“ESAs”) published their final draft Regulatory Technical Standards (“RTS”... Lire la suite
Understanding the SPAC enigma
A SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Company) is fundamentally a shell company incorporated by promoters (“Sponsors”) with the exclusive purpose of raising sufficient funds through an IPO (or... Lire la suite
Why companies and investors are increasingly looking towards SPAC IPOs again
By Maxim MANTUROV, Head of Investment Research at Freedom Finance Europe
Special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) have long been part of the investment landscape,... Lire la suite
EU Financial Centers roundtable: Towards a common EU financial market
Eleven organizations representing EU financial centers and federations from eight EU member countries signed on 09 November 2021 a Memorandum of Understanding: Berlin Finance Initiative, Febelfin... Lire la suite
Une approche holistique de l’ESG
Serena Perin Vinton, Franklin Equity Group Portfolio Manager, explique dans cet article comment son équipe conçoit l’investissement environnemental, social et de gouvernance (ESG) et les... Lire la suite
Private Equity should start their digital journey now before it’s too late
By Shanu SHERWANI, Private Equity Analyst
As I have previously stated in my articles, the private equity game has become more complex and competitive. Increased capital... Lire la suite
Mieux comprendre les enjeux de l'investissement à impact
Par Nick PARSONS, Head of Research ESG ThomasLloyd Group
En tant qu'investisseur à impact, nous cherchons délibérément et intentionnellement à avoir un impact positif... Lire la suite
Have you considered this for the enforcement of a Luxembourg pledge over shares?
By Xavier GUZMAN, Partner - Finance and Joris REINERT, Associate - Finance, DLA Piper Luxembourg
In multijurisdictional financings, taking pledges over shares of a... Lire la suite
Objectif Net Zero, la course à la carboneutralité
À moins de réduire drastiquement nos émissions de carbone, nous allons au-devant de graves dérèglements climatiques. S’il incombe aux gouvernements de mener l’effort collectif, les investisseurs... Lire la suite
Revised ELTIF regime can contribute to post-Covid recovery and green transition
By Silke BERNARD, Investment Funds Partner, Linklaters Luxembourg
The European Long-Term Investment Fund regime has been slow to gain traction since its launch in... Lire la suite
An analysis of the ESG impact of the largest sustainable focused equity mutual funds
By Gianluca D’Alessio, head of portfolio management, FARAD I.M.
ESG and sustainable investing has become a key selling point for most fund promoters. Do funds that claim... Lire la suite