
Mensuel de décembre 2022 - Fonds d’investissement

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Debt funds, Luxembourg SPVs, and the regulation of lending activities
By Anne-Marie NICOLAS, Marko HUSKIC, Adrien PIERRE, Loyens Loeff Luxembourg S.À R.L.   The role of debt funds in the global debt market has been steadily increasing since the financial crisis in 2008. In the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg total assets under management of debt funds reached EUR 181 million by June 2021, following a 40,6% year-on-year increase.(1)   After having initially emerged as debt-participants purchasing the debt on the secondary market, the debt funds’ role as debt-originators has noticeably increased in recent years. The activity has also shifted from primarily small and medium enterprises to a variety of areas as fund managers are searching for yields in more diverse investment opportunities.   Luxembourg...
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