By Dr. Sebastiaan Niels HOOGHIEMSTRA*
On 26 March 2024, the final legislative text of the directive amending Directive 2011/61/EU (AIFMD) was published in the Official Journal of the EU (AIFMD 2). Whilst AIFMD 2 does not completely overhaul the AIFMD framework, it does raise a number of noteworthy changes. One of those are the new rules for loan-originating alternative investment funds (LO-AIFs), AIFs which originate loans (AIFs-WOL) and alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs) managing AIFs-WOL (LO-AIFMs). This contribution discusses the uncertainties in relation to the “AIFMD 2 lending passport”.
Background: Not Quite Yet an “AIFMD Lending Passport”
The new rules for LO-AIFMs under AIFMD 2 to manage...