
Mensuel de septembre 2021 - Nominations

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Sofia Harrschar appointed Country Head of Universal-Investment in Luxembourg
Dr Sofia Harrschar is taking over the leadership of the Universal-Investment Group’s Luxembourg office. In her function as Country Head, Sofia Harrschar will manage around 120 employees who, together, manage Assets under Administration of approximately 100 billion euros.   The fund platform has grown into the largest AIF and third-party ManCo in the Grand Duchy in recent years. She will be succeeding Sean O’Driscoll, who is leaving the company at the end of July. The appointment is still subject to the approval of the Luxembourg financial supervisory authority CSSF. In addition to the Country Head, the management team of Universal-Investment Luxembourg also consists of the Conducting Officers Ludmila Careri, Martin Groos and Matthias Müller.   Sofia...
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