
Mensuel de octobre 2022 - Informatique financière

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Some people should be afraid of Bitcoin
Opinion - By Christophe ROEHRI, Deputy CEO at TOBAM   In the early 80’s, the age of the personal computer had arrived and “computerphobia” was suddenly everywhere. The graph below illustrates mentions of “computerphobia” in books since 1950, according to Google.   Besides anxieties or fears of physically touching a PC, two major criticisms were levelled at PCs: on one hand, it was not clear what benefits PCs could bring to our lives, and on the other, there would not be enough electricity on earth to cope with a wide democratization of PCs anyway.   Here we are, 40 years later, with PC adoption much higher than anyone could have imagined in 1980. Awareness of ESG factors is also more widespread than ever before, yet hardly anyone...
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