
Mensuel de octobre 2022 - Fonds d’investissement

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Fund Distribution from Extra-EU: New opportunities for licensed players
By Nicoletta MORSUT, Conducting Officer Federico GROSSI, Client Relationship Manager, FARAD Investment Management   As is now well known, United Kingdom left the European Union in the context of the Brexit act early 2021. One of the main implications of the new regulation is that UK companies cannot anymore approach directly EU customers while doing their fund distribution businesses, unless they establish a branch in one of EU countries.   These players in the past years were deeply used to put in place distribution/placement agreements with fund houses without take care of finding a solution to market their product in Europe. In that perspective the workflows was easier and lighter. All these companies are now facing the current reality:...
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Ces entreprises nous font bénéficier de  leur expertise en collaborant avec Agefi Luxembourg.

These companies give us the benefit of their expertise by collaborating with Agefi Luxembourg.
Lamboley Executive Search
A&O Shearman
Square management
AXA IM Luxembourg
Digital Services, Technology and Consulting
Pictet Asset Management
Generali Investements LU
Loyens & Loeff
J. P. Morgan
VP Bank
Sia Partners
MIMCO Capital
SOCIETE GENERALE Securities Services
Zeb Consulting