
Mensuel de novembre 2023 - Fonds d’investissement

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Sibos 2023: the top 8 takeaways
By Herwig TEMMERMAN, Partner at BearingPoint Luxembourg   Sibos is the biggest yearly conference on transaction banking in the world. More than 9000 persons attended the event this year to engage with over 550 experts speaking across more than 250 conference sessions. Besides exploring the nearly 200 exhibitors and the great network opportunities the conference offers, it is also the ideal place to know what are the topics that will drive the evolution of finance in the coming years. Following are my top eight takeaways, considering that my primary focus is asset serving and to a lesser extent payments and trade finance.   1-Generative AI   AI was the number one hottest topic during the whole event. The usage of...
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These companies give us the benefit of their expertise by collaborating with Agefi Luxembourg.
J. P. Morgan
Pictet Asset Management
Square management
Lamboley Executive Search
MIMCO Capital
VP Bank
Generali Investements LU
Loyens & Loeff
AXA IM Luxembourg
Digital Services, Technology and Consulting
Zeb Consulting
Sia Partners
SOCIETE GENERALE Securities Services
A&O Shearman