
Mensuel de novembre 2023 - Economie

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Proposal for a Transfer Pricing Directive: How the European Commission plans to unify transfer pricing rules across the EU
By Sophie BALLIET, Counsel, Allen Overy S.C.S.   On 12 September 2023, the European Commission has proposed a council directive on transfer pricing (TP Directive) to harmonise key principles across the EU. The TP Directive relies on the integration of the arm’s length principle into EU legislation (and a consistent application of it) to increase tax certainty, reduce compliance costs, and mitigate the risk of double-taxation and litigation for cross-border intra-group transactions within the EU. If adopted unanimously by the EU Council, the TP Directive would apply from 1 January 2026.   Over the last decade, the Commission’s ambition has clearly been to have more say in transfer pricing matters. And this makes sense. All you need to do is...
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