
Mensuel de novembre 2022 - Fonds d’investissement

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Financial Impact of the Ukraino-Russian war in Europe and Luxembourg
By Nadane CHANEMOUGAME Elliot BONTEMPS, Initio (Square Management)   The invasion of Ukraine by Russia in late February 2022, the largest-scale land war since WW2, have left the word stunned. As a response, Europe along aligned partners such as the United States, have coordinately imposed a series of individual and economic sanctions to Russia, and to a lesser extent, Belarus. Those measures come on top of what was already imposed on Russia since the annexation of Crimea in 2014.   This series of sanctions is imposed by Europe as direct consequences of Russia’s actions, and to limit their ability to wage war on the long term, while at the same time limiting as much as possible the impacts that will be felt globally.   These...
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