
Mensuel de novembre 2022 - Economie / Banques

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Endless efforts and practical actions of Tajikistan in addressing water-related challenges
By H.E. Dr. Erkinknon RAHMATULLOZODA, Ambassador of Tajikistan to Benelux, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Tajikistan to the European Union and NATO (Dedicated to the upcoming UN 2023 Water Conference)   “We cannot continue to take water for granted and expect to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals” António Guterres   The article begins with the quote of H.E. Mr. Antonio Guterres, the United Nations Secretary-General for a reason. Indeed, today, many of us do not properly value water - the unique resource of our planet. Water is considered to be an essential necessity for the functioning of all walks of life and one of the crucial and paramount required resources humanity possesses. It is not possible to imagine the functioning...
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