
Mensuel de novembre 2022 - Economie / Banques

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Does The Leicester Violence Echo the British ‘Divide and Rule’ Policy in India?
By Dr. Shashi THAROOR, former Minister of State, Lok Sabha MP*   In September, media reports from the United Kingdom have been reporting “large-scale” and “serious” troubles in the city of Leicester, northwest of London.   While the British rarely speak of “riots”, since the police prefer the term “disorder”, street clashes appear to have erupted between large groups of Hindus and Muslims, and fifteen people have been arrested by the police with the aim of "deter[ring] further disorder".   Leicester has more South Asians than the British average, accounting for almost 20% of the city’s population, with 7.4% Muslims, 7.2% Hindus and 2.4% Sikhs. It seems trouble broke out in the eastern part of Leicester on August 28, when India...
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