
Mensuel de novembre 2014 - Fonds/Bourse

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Crestbridge forum debates important AIFMD survey findings - The evolution of risk management as a consequence of the AIFMD
The introduction of the AIFMD could stifle fund product innovation, add significant new costs and potentially give a false sense of security to investors, according to research by IFI Global which was sponsored by Crestbridge and launched at a special Crestbridge Forum attended by over 100 industry professionals at the Abbaye de Neumunster on Thursday 2 October.   Crestbridge welcomed an invited group of highly influential fund sector specialists to hear the latest research on AIFMD implementation conducted by IFI Global. The panel featured a dynamic line-up of leading figures from Luxembourg and abroad: Daniela Klasén-Martin (Managing Director Crestbridge Luxembourg), Jérôme Wigny (Partner, EHP), Graham Goodhew (Director, JP Morgan Asset Management (Europe)), Marc...
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