
Mensuel de novembre 2014 - Fonds/Bourse

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Making a Golden Bird sing - India looks at hedonic days again...
To the surprise of many, India was the richest country of the world from 1AD to 1400AD with more than 30% share of world economy (source: The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective by Angus Maddison).   The next 600 years saw rapid decline as the country was ravaged by foreign invasion, occupation and social turmoil leading to flight of wealth, loss of intellectual edge and change in the basic fabric of the society. India has slipped down to the lowest ranks in multitude of global criteria. It now features as World’s most prominent poor, corrupt, dirty country with full of social violence against its women of all ages.   The rot spread unabated with naïve or opportunistic politicians getting propelled for the top roles. The youth grew up to ridicule...
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