
Mensuel de mai 2023 - Startups - Newcomers

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To make regulatory compliance less burdensome and more effective (Interview with Andrea DANIELLI, CEO and founder of Mopso Sàrl)
What is your background? How was your firm born?   As a former anti-money laundering analyst at the Bank of Italy, I immediately realized that navigating the choppy waters of compliance can be challenging for many banks and financial institutions. I met the other founder, Enrico Fagnoni, during our activities inside an Italian Association, Copernicani: when we started to better know each other, we found a perfect match between my domain competence and his technical skills. Hence the idea of creating a platform to improve anti-money laundering controls using artificial intelligence was born.   Could you present your firm’s offer?   Mopso Sàrl is a startup that develops solutions to facilitate banking and...
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