
Mensuel de mai 2023 - Startups - Newcomers

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To revolutionise the fund industry (Interview with Julien De MAYER, Founder and CEO at fundcraft)
What is your background? How was your firm born?   Before founding fundcraft, I worked on the client-side of fund services and became frustrated with the industry’s systemic issues. Traditional service providers work in people-based, siloed structures. Each department processes the same information but doesn’t use common tools and databases. This results in repetitive information requests and the need to reconcile and consolidate data. Seeing a need for a better, more scalable solution using technology, I created fundcraft to centralise, digitise, and automate back-office operations and promote a new way of working where asset managers gain transparency and control over their fund operations.   Could you present your firm’s offer?...
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These companies give us the benefit of their expertise by collaborating with Agefi Luxembourg.
Sia Partners
Loyens & Loeff
VP Bank
SOCIETE GENERALE Securities Services
A&O Shearman
Pictet Asset Management
Square management
Generali Investements LU
Digital Services, Technology and Consulting
Zeb Consulting
AXA IM Luxembourg
Lamboley Executive Search
MIMCO Capital
J. P. Morgan