
Mensuel de mai 2023 - Economie / Banques

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BAI’s Alternative Investor Conference in the shadow of troubled times
By Kerstin BOERNECKE, Director Tax and Markus MEES, Partner Alternatives, PwC Luxembourg   From 24 to 26 April, the BAI Alternative Investor Conference (AIC), which has become the leading industry conference in the *DACH region, took place for the 15th time. The who’s who of the alternative industry was represented again this year and 74 sponsors supported Frank Dornseifer and his team. The speakers, participants, exhibitors and last but not least organisers made the event one of the most informative industry meetings of the DACH region of the year.   The venue for the event at Kap Europa in the centre of Frankfurt is easily accessible and by now familiar to all. Despite the rather cool and unstable climate for this time of the year, the...
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These companies give us the benefit of their expertise by collaborating with Agefi Luxembourg.
A&O Shearman
Loyens & Loeff
Zeb Consulting
AXA IM Luxembourg
Lamboley Executive Search
SOCIETE GENERALE Securities Services
VP Bank
Generali Investements LU
Pictet Asset Management
J. P. Morgan
Digital Services, Technology and Consulting
MIMCO Capital
Square management
Sia Partners