
Mensuel de mai 2021 - Nominations

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Cargolux appoints new Chairman of the Board of Directors
Cargolux announces the appointment of Christianne Wickler as Cargolux’ new Chairman of the Board of Directors. Christianne Wickler is the first female Chairman of the Board of Directors’ of Cargolux. An entrepreneur and mother of four, Christianne Wickler took over a small petrol station in Oberpallen, in 1982, which her father had entrusted to her. She developed the Pall Center, an “anti-gloom” business concept that is close to the people, the banner of a group of supermarkets and grocery stores that she has masterfully managed for 38 years. Co-founder of the citizen collective “5fir12”, she entered politics by running in the legislative elections in 2013 on the Green Party list in the North of Luxembourg. Following the Green Party’s entrance into the Government coalition, she became a...
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