
Mensuel de mai 2021 - Nominations

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RSA Luxembourg appoints Charlotte Swerts, Legal & Compliance Officer for its Belgian and Luxembourg Offices
RSA Luxembourg S.A. announces the appointment of Charlotte Swerts as Legal Compliance Officer. She will be working across both Belgian and Luxembourg offices, and reports to Simon Baker, Head of Legal Company Secretary and locally to Alexis Wildman, Managing Director Belgium, Head of Marine Europe Nordic. Charlotte Swerts holds a Master of Laws from the University of Antwerp in Belgium and has more than 8 years of experience, with strong skills in legal and compliance. She began her professional career at Essent (part of the German utility RWE) as Legal and Regulatory Counsel and later at Argenta Bank as Legal Counsel. Prior to joining RSA Luxembourg, Charlotte Swerts was a Legal, Risk Wealth Planning Officer (Private Banking) at ING Luxembourg for more than two...
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MIMCO Capital
J. P. Morgan
Loyens & Loeff
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Pictet Asset Management
AXA IM Luxembourg
A&O Shearman
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