
Mensuel de mars 2024 - Nominations

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Ryan Davis, new partner for PwC Luxembourg

PwC Luxembourg welcomes Ryan Davis as a new Advisory Partner in Risk Compliance Advisory Services (RCAS), effective as of 15 February, 2024. Having commenced his tenure with PwC in Australia back in 2009, Ryan Davis swiftly ascended the ranks, serving as a Senior Manager in the UK for four years. His international trajectory continued with a pivotal move to PwC in Germany, culminating in his appointment as Director, PwC Luxembourg in 2017.


Following a brief stint as Associate Partner at a small advisory firm in 2020, Ryan now returns to PwC Luxembourg, this time in the position of Partner. Ryan's expertise encompasses a spectrum of fields, principally relating to risk and regulation within the Banking and wider financial services industry.

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Ces entreprises nous font bénéficier de  leur expertise en collaborant avec Agefi Luxembourg.

These companies give us the benefit of their expertise by collaborating with Agefi Luxembourg.
AXA IM Luxembourg
SOCIETE GENERALE Securities Services
Loyens & Loeff
J. P. Morgan
Sia Partners
Square management
MIMCO Capital
VP Bank
Lamboley Executive Search
Pictet Asset Management
Generali Investements LU
Digital Services, Technology and Consulting
A&O Shearman
Zeb Consulting