
Mensuel de mars 2024 - Emploi / Droit

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“Overcome the financial challenges involved with investing in startups” (Interview with Julien LECERF, Fondateur Sextant Finance)
What is your background? How was your firm born?   I started at Banque Paribas in Sydney, worked at Arthur Andersen and EY in Paris where I was a senior manager with a focus on midcap transactions services, then became the CFO of 3 tech scaleups from 2006 to 2017.   The last one of these roles brought me to Luxembourg in 2015. I have found that very few people have an extensive hands-on experience of the financial management of SMEs, while having a successful track record through the full investment cycle. So I founded Sextant Finance in 2018 to help overcome the financial challenges involved with investing in startups / SMEs and running them successfully.   Could you present your firm’s offer?  ...
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