
Mensuel de mars 2024 - Fonds d’investissement

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European Green Bond Regulation: a game changer or a missed opportunity?
By Paul PÉPORTÉ, Partner, International Capital Markets and Ruslana HRISCHEVA, Senior Associate, International Capital Markets, Allen Overy   Regulation (EU) 2023/2631 (the European Green Bond Regulation) entered into force on 20 December 2023 and the majority of its provisions will apply from 21 December 2024. It introduces the European Green Bond Standard or EuGB – a voluntary gold label for the issuance of green bonds in Europe which forms part of the European Commission’s Green deal initiatives.   The global green bond market has seen exponential growth since its creation in 2007, reaching a total of more than 4 trillion US dollars of outstanding green, social and sustainability linked bonds in 2024 according to Environmental Finance...
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