
Mensuel de mars 2024 - Fonds d’investissement

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Sluggish fundraising environment – drilling down to the fund terms and some macro trends
By Jerôme MULLMAIER, Partner, IM Mathilde SCHEIRLINCK, Senior Associate, IM, Loyens Loeff Luxembourg S.À R.L.   Not only did turbulent market conditions prompt GPs to develop liquidity solutions to counter the exit and fundraising shortfalls, they have also given LPs the upper hand when negotiating with GPs. This is particularly the case in the small to mid-market segment where teams track records are either in their nascent phase or less established.   For significant GPs, the launching of a new vintage of their flagship fund is no longer always accompanied by a sharp increase of the fund size. Fund size tend to be stagnant and many GPs ended up recalibrating their target fund size downwards. The current trend is expected to last,...
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