
Mensuel de mars 2024 - Fonds d’investissement

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Europe’s energy security and revenues from Russian frozen assets – two topics for one goal?
By Ivaylo MARKOV, Managing Partner of Thales Capital   The revenues from the seized assets in the EU due to the war that Russia is waging in Ukraine will reach €50 billion by 2027. This was announced by the European Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders, quoted by world agencies. The main question now is where these funds will be directed. Brussels hopes that Belgium’s example can be followed by many other countries.   The country directed the seized funds to the benefit of Ukraine. Belgium holds the bulk of the seized Russian assets and this year will provide Ukraine with €1.7 billion. Part of these funds will be used to provide ammunition for the Ukrainian armed forces. The seized assets in the EU are of two types. The private one is about €25...
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