
Mensuel de mars 2024 - Assurances

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Tax Insurance, A Smart Tool Against Tax Uncertainty (Interview with Marion ZELLER, Counsel and head of tax, K&L Gates Volckrick & David MUSSCHE, Associate Director | Tax & Contingent Risks, Howden)
Marion Zeller, could you give us a brief overview of the main tax challenges of your clients today?   More transparency and governments’ need for revenue have resulted in increased tax risks worldwide faced in an increasingly challenging international post-BEPS tax environment. The surge of modern complex tax rules as well as the reinforcement of the cooperation and communication between tax authorities place a heavy burden on companies around the world, which amplifies the pressure on tax functions. The speed with which tax policy and the new digital tax methods change are also an increasing trend to be taken into consideration when assessing tax risks. Learning about these developments after the fact is too late and taxpayers are, today more than ever...
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