
Mensuel de mars 2023 - Informatique financière

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The EDPB provides for further guidance on the use of cloud solutions in line with the GDPR
By Vincent WELLENS Antoine PETRONIN, NautaDutilh Avocats Luxembourg S.à r.l.*   In just a few years, the use of cloud services has increased significantly in both the public and private sectors. A trend that has been further accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic and the drive for digital transformation across all sectors. This is not without risk from a data protection perspective, especially when it involves the (often-unavoidable) use of a hyper-scale Cloud Service Provider (CSP) which belongs to a group outside the EU/EEA. A number of recent publications by the European data protection board (EDPB) are of particular relevance in this context. Here is a summary of some of the main takeaways that have emerged from them:   ...
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