
Mensuel de mars 2023 - Nominations

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Apex Group announces former Finance Minister as Mauritius Chairperson
Apex Group Ltd. (“Apex Group” or “The Group”), a global financial services provider, announces the appointment of Dr. Rama Sithanen to the role of Independent Director and Chairperson of Apex Group companies in Mauritius effective March 31, 2023. Apex Group companies in Mauritius are comprised of Apex Financial Services (Mauritius) Ltd, Apex Fund Services (Mauritius) Ltd and Apex Fund and Corporate Services (Mauritius) Ltd. Dr. Sithanen will chair the Board, the Executive Committee and any other relevant committees including CSR. In addition to his Board seat, Dr. Sithanen will be responsible for providing strategic support to the leadership team towards seamless integration and delivery aligned to Apex Group vision. He will engage with policy makers and industry bodies on issues...
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VP Bank
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Lamboley Executive Search
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J. P. Morgan
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