
Mensuel de mars 2023 - Droit / Emploi

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2023 trends in communication (Interview with Jerome BLOCH, 360Crossmedia)
Since the election of Donald Trump, fake news has invaded the media in an unabashed manner and the propaganda of the war in Ukraine has not helped matters. According to Jerome BLOCH, CEO of 360Crossmedia and author of the book 'No Bullshit', "our era is imposing increasingly sophisticated methods on business communication". Interview.   How do you analyse the current evolution of communication?   The first word that comes to mind is 'Orwellian': information is becoming totalitarian in all its forms. It is no longer a question of informing but of subjugating or at least manipulating, and it is not uncommon to listen to two radically different opinions on a given subject without having the slightest idea of who...
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