
Mensuel de mars 2016 - Informatique financière

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The EU-U.S. privacy package revealed : a solid Shield ?
The legal uncertainty on personal data transfers to the U.S. caused by the invalidation of the Safe Harbor by the European Court of Justice on 6 October 2015, may - hopefully - come to an end in the near future.   Following the signature by President Obama of the Judicial Redress Act on 24 February 2016, the Commission revealed the EU - U.S. Privacy Shield package on 29 February 2016. Like the invalidated Safe Harbor, the EU-U.S.   Privacy Shield is based on a system of annual self-certification by which U.S. organisations commit to a set of privacy principles issued by the U.S. Department of Com-merce («Privacy Princi-ples»). To validate the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, the Commission has prepared a draft «adequacy-decision» to which the Privacy Principles...
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