
Mensuel de mars 2016 - Fonds d’investissement

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Interview with Stephen Moore, fund manager at Artemis: « I see the best investment opportunities as being on the short side »
Can you please introduce Artemis and sum up its activities?   Artemis is a leading UK-based active fund manager, which is now offering its strategies to investors in continental Europe. In 2014, the firm hired a specialist US team, which I'm a part of, from Threadneedle. We had already established a good reputation in Europe so when we launched Artemis' five new US equity funds it was natural to structure them as OEICs. We registered these and three other strategies in Luxembourg last October. They are also available to investors in Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Switzerland. Founded in 1997, Artemis has EUR 29.2 billion* under management across a range of retail funds, two investment trusts, a venture capital trust and institutional portfolios...
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