
Mensuel de mars 2011 - Nominations

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International Bankers Forum (IBF) Luxembourg: Change in Board
At its general assembly IBF Luxembourg members have elected two new board members. Jrg Agostini (UBS Luxembourg) and Ralf Strauss (Syngeon S.A,) represent the younger generation of finance experts. Markus Postler (RBC Dexia Investor Services), Herbert Weynand (Banque LB Lux) and Philipp von Restorff (ABBL) remain board members until 2012. Barbara Fischer Frwentsches, who has been a board member for 15 years and president for the last 5 years, has resigned from the board in July 2010 for professional reasons. She will however continue to work for IBF Luxembourg by running the IBF office and thus use her long-lasting experience to further support IBF board members in their work. IBF Luxembourg presidency has been taken over by Markus Postler. Apart from organising interesting...
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