
Mensuel de juin 2014 - Economie

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St. Xavier’s College Calcutta Alumni Association establishes Europe - Chapter in Luxembourg
On Saturday, May 3, the Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Luxembourg, Jean-Claude Hollerich S.J., met up with Father Felix Raj, Principal of St. Xavier’s College Calcutta ( and congratulated him for setting up Europe Chapter of SXC Alumni Association in Luxembourg.   Notably, St. Xavier’s college is one of the most prestigious colleges in India with several renowned alumni world-over including Chairman and CEO of ArcelorMittal, Lakshmi N. Mittal. On the same evening, Father Felix Raj met up with the alumni of the College to formally announce the formation of Europe Chapter and presented Vision 2020 paper about the college.   The announcement was attended by the special invitee, Christian Descoups, Secretary General of...
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