
Mensuel de juillet 2019 - Nominations

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ILA announces election of a new Chairwoman and Board of Directors
The Luxembourg Institute of Directors (Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs, ILA) elected Carine Feipel as the Chairwoman of the Board with immediate effect at its 18th June annual general meeting. Carine Feipel is a Luxembourg attorney and a certified independent director. She is a member of several Boards of Directors, including Banque de Luxembourg, La Luxembourgeoise, AIG Europe, Fidelity Funds, Morgan Stanley Investment Funds, CDCL. She has practised as a lawyer since 1994, specialising in insurance law. She spent almost 20 years with a major Luxembourg law firm before going independent in 2014. Since 2010, Carine Feipel has been a member of various committees within the Haut Comité pour la Place Financière. She has been a member of the ILA Board of Directors and Management...
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