
Mensuel de juillet 2019 - Economie

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«Poland develops quite well economically, 5% yearly, and in this way, contributes to the development of the EU» (Interview with Poland’s Foreign Minister Jacek CZAPUTOWICZ)
How would you rank the main priorities of the foreign policy of Poland? Defense? Free trade within and out of the EU? EU subsidiarity? Migration? AI and 5G? Climate change?   All these issues are very important and hence they are difficult to rank. No doubt that the issue of defense and security remains at the top of the list of the priorities. Russia continues to conduct aggressive policy vis-à-vis Ukraine and continues to be a threat to the security of Central Europe. We support sanctions in response to its aggressive activities.   Poland spends 2% of GDP in defense, in line with NATO requirements and we are increasing this numbers. During the 2016 summit in Warsaw, NATO took a key decision concerning the strengthening of military...
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