
Mensuel de janvier 2024 - Nominations

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BSP announces new promotions
BSP announce the promotion of one new partner, 3 new counsels, 2 senior associates and 3 associates.   Elodie Vincent has developed extensive expertise in a wide range of complex corporate and commercial litigation matters, with a strong focus on shareholder disputes resolution, corporate governance issues and the defence of shareholder’s rights. Elodie started her professional career in one of the Luxembourg “Big Four” firms before joining one of the major Luxembourg law firms. The partnership now consists of 18 partners, 10 women and 8 men. In addition, Harmonie Méraud, Lucca Torres and Axel Voisard have been promoted to Counsel. BSP also promoted to Senior Associate Fahri Can Dogan and Aylin Gungor. Promoted to Associate are Chloé Kaizer, Djelloul Mansour and Joyce...
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Ces entreprises nous font bénéficier de  leur expertise en collaborant avec Agefi Luxembourg.

These companies give us the benefit of their expertise by collaborating with Agefi Luxembourg.
Pictet Asset Management
VP Bank
Sia Partners
J. P. Morgan
Zeb Consulting
MIMCO Capital
Square management
A&O Shearman
AXA IM Luxembourg
Lamboley Executive Search
Generali Investements LU
SOCIETE GENERALE Securities Services
Digital Services, Technology and Consulting
Loyens & Loeff