
Mensuel de janvier 2024 - Droit / Emploi

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Ageing population: Will artificial intelligence arrive in time?
By Prof. Dr. Nicolas van ZEEBROECK (ULB) and Prof. Dr. Bruno COLMANT (ULB and UCLouvain)   Since the sensational release of ChatGPT a year ago, flabbergasting and panic have given way to dread, even anxiety, about a society dehumanized and driven massively into unemployment by artificial intelligence (AI). Goldman Sachs recently predicted that AI would wipe out 300 million jobs. Many professions fear the advent of tools capable of automating increa- singly complex cognitive tasks. What’s more, the limits of what is possible are being pushed back a little further every day by the lightning progress of generative AI.   Since Keynes’s work in 1930, economists have regularly predicted the end of work due to automation. Paradoxically, employment is...
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