
Mensuel de janvier 2024 - Fonds d’investissement

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ESG vs non ESG portfolios: The impact of “Magnificent Seven” on ESG indexes and passive sustainable investing strategies
By Gianluca D’ALESSIO, Head of Portfolio Management Pasquale PALMIERI, Junior Portfolio manager ESG Analyst, FARAD I.M.   Although environmentally and socially responsible strategies do not guarantee per-se a positive financial performance, also in the current market environment comparative returns analysis has shown that a company particularly attentive to ESG criteria not only has a lower risk of incurring into frauds, scandals, sanctions and reputational damages, but these companies are being also recognized by investors and by their valuations. At the same time, the exposure to sustainable investment themes (e.g. renewable energy, circular economy, healthcare and well-being thematics, demography issues, social and Green Bonds) have been able to...
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