
Mensuel de janvier 2010 - Nomination / Départ

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World Gold Council Appoints Ian Telfer as New Chairman
World Gold Council (WGC) has announced the appointment of Ian Telfer as its new Chairman. Mr. Telfer is Chairman of the Canadian gold producer Goldcorp Inc. and succeeds Greg Wilkins, Vice Chairman of Barrick Gold Corporation, who steps down from the Board of WGC. Commenting on his appointment, Mr. Telfer said: "I am taking on a great role at a time when gold has never been more relevant and important to so many people. It is a great privilege to be able to work with WGC to deliver a new and lasting prominence for gold. As we move into a new financial era, we believe that gold will play a central role in the investment portfolios of those seeking to preserve wealth and mitigate risk and that central banks will continue to diversify their foreign exchange exposure in favor of gold. I look...
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