
Mensuel de février 2013 - Fonds/Bourse

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82% of fund managers view heavy regulation as the key challenge in 2013, KNEIP research reveals
Recent research from KNEIP, the leading service provider for the production and disclosure of legal, regulatory and contractual information for the fund industry, has revealed that the majority (82%) of fund managers feel that heavy regulation is the main issue facing the industry over the coming twelve months. The figures are based on the results of a recent survey of KNEIP clients, which gathered the thoughts of more than 130 fund companies worldwide.   Commenting on the findings, Mario Mantrisi, Chief Strategy and Research Officer at KNEIP, said: “Ensuring compliance with changing legislation is fast becoming the priority for fund managers. Given the pace and volume of new measures over recent years, it is unsurprising that this has been identified as the key...
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