
Mensuel de février 2010 - Finance / Economie

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Coface sees the end of the global credit crisis by easing the outlooks for its country ratings, but continues to pay attention to the threat of bubbles
“Yes to recovery, but look out for bubbles”
Caution: the Coface country rating does not concern sovereign debt, but rather indicates the average level of risk presented by a country’s companies on their commercial transactions.This average trend is not a guide to each company’s rating, which is determined by its own characteristics.It is therefore essential that the partners of a company located in one of the cited countries check the company’s specific Coface rating. During its 14th Country Risk Conference, Coface announces some 20 upgrades in country ratings. The credit crisis, which will have lasted two years as announced at the conference held in January 2008, has been of an unprecedented magnitude for the past 60 years. Since the second half of 2009, Coface has recorded a net reduction in payment defaults....
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