
Mensuel de décembre 2021 - Nominations

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Former European Commissioner Viviane Reding joins Jolt Capital as Senior Advisor
Jolt Capital, a pan-European private equity firm investing in European deeptech scale-ups, appoints Viviane Reding, a former European Commissioner and former Vice-President of the European Commission, as member of its senior advisory board.   Viviane Reding spent over 30 years at the helm of European institutions. She was a Member of the European Parliament for more than 15 years, European Commissioner during 10 years and Vice-President of the European Commission during 5 years. Viviane Reding is recognized globally as a passionate contributor to the European construction and has shaped several major European initiatives such as GDPR, opening the telecom market to competition, eliminating cross-border mobile roaming costs, setting up technological platforms in EU...
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