
Mensuel de décembre 2021 - Fonds d’investissement

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40.6% growth for Luxembourg private debt fund industry (KPMG/ALFI Private debt fund survey)
The annual edition of the KPMG Private debt fund survey powered by the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI) showcases the consistently strong growth momentum of private debt funds domiciled in Luxembourg. It reveals that the sector saw AuM of private debt funds soar by 40.6%(1) compared to last year, bringing total assets under management to a record €181.7 billion. This builds on the 36.2% growth in AuM for private debt funds seen in the 2020 survey.   Camille Thommes, Director General of ALFI, commented: “As this year’s survey once again highlights, the rising star among the so-called alternative investments, private debt, has shown impressive growth year upon year. Private debt funds are fast growing themselves, but they also stimulate growth in the real...
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AXA IM Luxembourg
Square management
Zeb Consulting
A&O Shearman
VP Bank
Lamboley Executive Search
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J. P. Morgan
Generali Investements LU
MIMCO Capital
Pictet Asset Management
Sia Partners
Digital Services, Technology and Consulting
Loyens & Loeff