
Mensuel de décembre 2021 - Fonds d’investissement

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Good COP Bad COP : a critical view on governments’ environmental commitments
By Mathias TALMANT, Junior Portfolio Manager, FARAD I.M.   Imagine you go to sleep and forget to blow a candle in your house. You wake up in the middle of the night and discover with astonishment that the candle set fire to the curtains. The crackling of the fire awakens your first friend who witnesses the fire and makes the following statement : “This is a risky situation, we should act before it is too late”. You agree, but instead of acting you wait for five hours. Your whole living room is now on fire and it is pretty hot, so you decide to throw a glass of water on the flames. The blaze keeps growing, so much so that your second friend wakes up and declares “Let’s agree that we should all put out the fire before next year or we will die. Besides, I suggest...
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