
Mensuel de décembre 2011 - Télécom/Informatique

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It’s after hours in the age of mobile - do you know where your data is ?
By Kim Apers, Technical Expert, Symantec Belgium Luxembourg It is 9 p.m. on a Friday night and your office is a darkened, silent abyss. The doors are locked and your servers and desktops are safe and sound behind firewalls and endpoint security. Even the corporate laptops though they are likely not within the physical confines of your enterprise are protected with antivirus software and the latest security patches. Your data is safe, right? After all, employees are long gone, busy starting their weekend perhaps with dinner out, a movie or even a night at the club. They are off enjoying time with friends, family and new acquaintances. All the while, your data is back at the office behind virtual lock and key. At the very...
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