
Mensuel de avril 2014 - Fonds / Bourse

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FundsEvent unveils the new landscape of the funds selection community in the wake of the crisis
The financial crisis of 2008 was a turning point for the funds selection community and the main theme of the event was not so much predicting the next crisis but understanding how the landscape has altered and how companies face new challenges and comply with new rules and regulations. For its 5th edition on 3 April at the Parc Alvisse Hotel, FundsEvent addressed topical issue by welcoming experts with in-depth views of what is happening in the sector and what strategies should be adopted in this context.    The first panel discussion(1). List of panellists at the end of the press release) was led by David Ricketts, Associate Editor of Ignites Europe, a Financial Times service. Specialised in fund industry topics, David Ricketts concentrated the debate around regulations...
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