
Mensuel de avril 2014 - Fonds / Bourse

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Vontobel Asset Management appoints KNEIP for Fund Data Management, Regulatory Filing, KIID Production and Financial Reporting
KNEIP, the leading service provider for the production and disclosure of legal, regulatory and contractual information for the fund industry, announced it has been appointed by Vontobel Asset Management to carry out fund data management, regulatory filing, KIID production and dissemination and financial reporting. Vontobel Asset Management will be making use of KNEIP’s service across their entire Swiss- and Luxembourg-domiciled fund ranges. Joel Kieffer, Sales Manager at KNEIP, commented: “Our data, document reporting management solution helps Vontobel streamline the data aggregation process and supports the generation and submission of the finalised documents to relevant authorities, in the relevant languages and formats.”   For regulatory filing, KNEIP’s solution...
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These companies give us the benefit of their expertise by collaborating with Agefi Luxembourg.
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Backer McKenzie
MIMCO Capital
Square management
Generali Investements LU
VP Bank
Pictet Asset Management
Zeb Consulting
Loyens & Loeff
Edmond de Rothschild
Sia Partners
A&O Shearman
J. P. Morgan
Lamboley Executive Search
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