
Mensuel de avril 2013 - Fonds/Bourse

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«AIFMD is not the only on-going regulatory issue under discussion»
Sandrine Leclercq of Baker and McKenzie Luxembourg discusses some of the most important regulatory changes coming up.   The annual ALFI (Association of the Luxembourg Investment Funds Industry) Spring Conference took place at Luxembourg’s New Conference Centre in Kirchberg on 19 and 20 March. Since its inception 25 years ago, ALFI and its members have worked extremely hard together to the point that Luxembourg is now the largest fund domicile in Europe, with in excess of 2,405.928 bn euro in Assets Under Management (AuM) in 3,820 funds.   The Luxembourg investment funds industry has also become a world leader in cross-border fund distribution. From its humble beginnings in 1988, ALFI has also witnessed the steady increase of European and national...
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Ces entreprises nous font bénéficier de  leur expertise en collaborant avec Agefi Luxembourg.

These companies give us the benefit of their expertise by collaborating with Agefi Luxembourg.
VP Bank
AXA IM Luxembourg
MIMCO Capital
Generali Investements LU
Pictet Asset Management
Zeb Consulting
A&O Shearman
J. P. Morgan
Square management
Sia Partners
Digital Services, Technology and Consulting
Loyens & Loeff
Lamboley Executive Search
SOCIETE GENERALE Securities Services