mercredi 30 novembre 2011
Tous les titres


Fax du mercredi 30 novembre 2011 - Tous les titres

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Arendt & Medernach awarded "Best Labour Law Firm" for the fourth year in a row

The HR Award 2011, celebrated at the HR Awards Gala 2011, honoured Arendt Medernach for the fourth consecutive year as Best Labour Law Firm. This prize is awarded by a jury comprising 50 human resources directors from Luxembourg companies. Its choice is based overall on the firms expertise in labour law, as well as on its involvement in topic-related conferences and publications. Winning this prize for the fourth consecutive year is a tribute to the work done by our team, comprising seven lawyers specially dedicated to employment law. The experience gained over the last few years has permitted our team of specialists to develop the high level of expertise with which it advises our clients. This reward is a proof of our know-how and we are very proud of...
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