mercredi 29 juin 2022
Tous les titres


Fax du mercredi 29 juin 2022 - Tous les titres

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Luxempart invests a minority stake into Salice, a world leading player in the production of premium opening systems and functional components for the furniture industry

Luxempart is pleased to announce its co-investment alongside Cobepa in Salice, the Italian world leading player in the production of premium opening systems and functional components for the furniture industry. The Salice family will also remain minority shareholders and, to ensure a correct transition and guarantee managerial and operational continuity, Francesca, Massimo and Sergio Salice will maintain their current roles within the company.   Founded in 1926, Salice is a leading global producer of high-quality mission-critical functional components for the high-end furniture industry. The group is historically focused on hinges and opening systems, but it successfully diversified its product portfolio over time into runners drawers, sliding systems and other...
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