mercredi 29 juin 2022
Tous les titres


Fax du mercredi 29 juin 2022 - Tous les titres

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Apex Group wins mandate from Encore Capital Management

Apex Group Ltd. (“Apex” or “The Group”), one of Luxembourg’s largest financial services providers and employers, today announces its appointment by Encore Capital Management (“Encore”) to provide fund administration, investor reporting and tax services.   Encore is a vertically integrated real estate developer, operator, and institutional investment management firm, with in excess of $2bn in Assets under Management. Encore has been a longstanding tax compliance and structuring client of FTS, a leading tax services provider, which saw a majority shareholding acquired by Apex Group in April 2022.   With FTS becoming part of Apex Group, existing clients - such as Encore - are now benefitting from access to the Group’s global, cross-jurisdictional reach and...
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VP Bank
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