mercredi 28 novembre 2012
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Fax du mercredi 28 novembre 2012 - Tous les titres

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LuxembourgforFinance: Fallen angels?

Luc Frieden speaks to the FT about the role of financial centres   “I do not think that banks are the origin of all evils,” said Luxembourg Finance Minister Luc Frieden, speaking at an FT Global Summit on international financial centres (IFCs). What is needed is “moderation and strengthened supervision.” That means “rejecting excessive behaviour”, he continued; “it means thinking about the long term effect of your investments: they must support and build the real economy.” On the regulatory side he advocated global rules, with the G20 taking into consideration the financial centres outside its membership. “We need the same rules applied in the same fashion; we need more fiscal integration,” Frieden explained afterwards, admitting that it was a “daily challenge”...
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